Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Promotion: Performance vs Seniority Essay

According to the latest statistics published in the New York Times a 70 percent of the American workers think that promotions have to be based on performance rather than promotions by seniority. The first thing that needs to be said is that it is a personal decision. In my opinion, promotions have to be based on performance, because workers have good incentives, the best employees deserve the better positions quickly and the enterprises can have good employees. My first argument suggests that modern enterprise needs to produce more goods without spend money and time. The enterprises have to hire the best employees who need good incentives to work in them. The promotions by good performance rather than by seniority are very interesting for a young professional, because if he works well, he can get a better position in the company. For example, some companies have programs to hire young talent professionals. Second to take into account is that if the better employees had the opportunity to sit in a high position in the company early, they would have a better performance rather than another senior employee. To illustrate this point one need only refer to the several polls that some economics’ magazines have taken in successful companies and these polls show there are more young and capable workers than ever in the past, because there are a program of promotions by performance. Third, equally relevant to the issue are the companies with promotions base on good work have a better laborer climate. Enterprises give good incentives to hire capable workers and they give their better work. They can be happy in the company. Thus, I prefer to promotions have to be based in a good performance rather than promotions by seniority, in the due to the fact, worker have a good incentives, the best employees deserve the better positions quickly and the enterprises can have good employees.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Influences That Effect Children and Young People’s Development Essay

(A)Background. Family Dynamics Family dynamics can have a positive effect on child’s development because the child will feel settle and have a positive input into their lives and good support to help them develop and achieve what they want to achieve, this has a positive effect on their behaviour to. If family dynamics are negative then this have a negative affect on their developments such as divorce because the child may be spending time at different house and having one parent missing so they will feel unsettled and not able to concentrate on things. They may also experience missing one of their parents of relatives being in prison. Parent styles. Parents who think that education is not important have a negative input so they don’t encourage their children to get a good education here as a parent who has a good educations ants their child to get the best education and will encourage them to do more. Some parents lack the knowledge and skill to find better opportunities for their children so they don’t always get the best opportunities but parents with the knowledge and skills can give their child better opportunities to develop. Also parents with a lack of ability will not be able to help their children with their homework as well as if those parents had a good education. Children whose parents have no interested in their development will suffer because they won’t be given the support they need where as children whose parents take an interest in their development will develop more because they will be encourage to. Parents how have high expectations to achieve will push their child’s abilities more. Poverty Poverty for children means that they will have a poor quality of life so they will not always have the best diet for them to develop. It has an effect on the children’s social development because they may not be able to participate in clubs that their friends take part in such as swimming or brownies because their parents can’t afford the extra money to send them there. They may also feel singled out from their peers because their family can’t afford fashionable clothes like the latest trainers or toys that their  friends have. Poor communities have lower aspirations than those in a richer community and the child may not be given the motivation to achieve higher. Poverty can be good for development in where they stand in the family because they will do more activities as a family. Culture/religion. Culture and religion can have a negative and positive affect on a child’s development. It can have a positive affect because different cultures have a large extended family and a good support network so the child can get lots of different support and different advice not just from one person so they will develop a broader way of thinking. It different cultures children will have a wider stimulating environment such as books and art so that they gain more emotional, social and intellectual development and experiences. Culture and religion can also have negative affects to a child’s development because they may not mix with other people outside of their community or culture. They may not get the experiences of other cultures so their social confidence outside of their culture may be poor. Children from different culture may have different views to what kind of behavioural is acceptable in different situations such a poor empathy to situation that they feel in their culture isn’t such a big deal or that it is a bigger deal than other people think. (B)Health Sleep & diet Lack of sleep can affect a child intellectual development because if they are tired they may not be to concentrate as much as they should or for as long as if they had the right amount of sleep. If a child has enough sleep they can participate more in physical activities and will have the ability to concentrate longer. Poor diet can cause a child to become obsess and unhealthy because they will not get the victims they need for energy and concentration. This will also affect their physical development because we need a healthy diet in order to grow. Poor health and disability will affect a child’s social and emotional development because they may not be  able to do things that their friends can do and not feeling included. Disability can have a positive affect for other children who are friends with a disabled child because they learn empathy and to accept their disability, not just point and stare when they see a disabled person. It also helps the disabled child to feel included with their peers. It also helps the children to learn to care for each other. (C)Environment Opportunities for education and Learning. It is important that children get a lot of opportities for education and learning so they can development social and emotional skills to use through life. Children how receive poor opportunities to for an education and learning will not develop as well as child who did because they are not getting the experience and knowledge they need. If a child has good opportunities to learn them to learn then they will have better language skills to communicate with other people in lots of different social setting. They may realise that they have a talent for something such a music or sport and have aspiration to develop this into a career later in life but if they are not given this opportunity they will not have the chance to develop this skill. Play and Stimulation. It is important that a child get stimulation so they have more opportunities to learn and thrive in social setting and intellect. Interest and interaction from parents will motivate them to learn and experience different situation developing their social skills. Children learn from play and develop physical skills such a gross and fine motors skills. They learn how to talk and interactive with people. Unstimulating environment and a disinterest from parent will have negative affect because the children will not have the motivation to learn and develop their skills. Language and interaction It is important for a child’s development that children get lots of opportunity for language and interaction so that they have strong social networks and they can thrive socially. Opportunity for different language has a good impact of their intellectual development because they experience different setting and language so that can learn different words and opinions. To have a wide experience of language is good because their confidence will improve when they communicate with different people. Bad opportunities to experience different language an interaction can stop a child’s social and emotional development because they are not given the chance to hear different language. They will lack the ability to develop their imagination and views. Opportunities to be active. It is important that children have the opportunity to be active so they can develop physically. They will be healthy and be motivated to do things. If a child is not given the opportunity to be active then they won’t be able to develop their physical skills and will be unhealthy. Also by given the opportunity to be active such as playing outside they will be making friends and this will help them to develop their social and emotional skills. Describe with examples the importance or recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development . Speech and language If a child or young person does not talk to anyone or even only speaks a few words compared to others, this may cause concern. This would socially affect the child or young person’s because they would find it hard to make friends, work in groups or even interact with adults. It would also affect their communicational development because they would find it hard to speak to people and also may find it hard to listen to instructions etc. Early intervention would be the best way to respond to this concern, the first step would be to have the child or young person’s hearing checked because if they have poor hearing they will find it hard to hear people so will not  want to communicate with others in case they get something wrong. Poor reading and writing. If a child or young person has difficulties with their reading and writing it may cause concern, but this may not be noticeable until the child is around the age of 6 or 7 because by this age they should have learnt how letters are formed and start to string words together. These are the main skills a child needs to help them develop in all areas. Due to poor reading and writing the child or young person will start to fall behind his peers of the same age. They may find it difficult to interact or make friends with others who are more advanced than them, in case they are bullied etc. They would struggle with their intellectual development not only with the reading and writing, but they would struggle with their memory and even their concentration. Recognition is very important because if a child falls behind with their work then all areas of their development may be affected. For example, if a child was playing on their own in the playground, for more than a few days in a row. This can affect a child’s social and intellectual development. Socially, a child wouldn’t be playing with children their own age and this can cause them to have no confidence in socialising in the future. They may be affected intellectually due to not being able to socialise and play in the playground with their peers, because of this they may not feel comfortable working with them in class. Therefore, if they are not working together in a group then they may not learn the same as everyone else, or not at the same pace. Responding to a concern like this has to be done in a professional manner, this means that you should not talk to the parent/carer or the child. You would have to make a note of exactly what was seen or heard, why it was a concern to you and the date and time must be recorded to back up your evidence. Then you need to approach the class teacher with your concern. If the teacher disregards your opinion because they are already aware of the situation, you still need to report it as it is your responsibility to discover the cause and seek help. Once it is reported, the correct person  can help the child appropriately to solve the issue correctly and get the child back on track. If a child’s problem goes without being noticed then they will be affected in many areas of development.

Richman Investments “Internal Use Only” Data Classification Standard

Richman Investments â€Å"Internal Use Only† Data Classification Standard The â€Å"Internal Use Only† data classification standard at Richman Investments will include the most basic IT infrastructure domains to include the User Domain, Workstation Domain, and the LAN Domain. This will encompass all users and their workstations, as well their access to the internet and company server databases and any information in between. The User Domain will enforce an acceptable use policy (AUP) to define what each user can and cannot do with any company data shall he or she have access to it.As well as with company users, any outside contractor or third-party representatives shall also need to agree and comply with the AUP. All users must be properly identified and sign this AUP prior to gaining any access whatsoever to the company network. No exceptions. Any violation will be taken up with company executives and/or the authorities to assess further punitive action. The Workstatio n Domain includes all workstations approved on the company network. No personal devices or removable media may be used on this network. All devices and removable media will be issued by the company for official use only.To access any workstation, a user will need to be first verified, then setup with an account to be logged in with a username and pass code adhering to the IT departments set standards. All systems will undergo regular updates and be provided with anti-virus and anti-malware software for system monitoring. Access Control Lists (ACLs) will be drawn up to appropriately define what access each individual will have. Any violations will cause an immediate suspension of privileges and again the person(s) in violation will be subject to company executives decisions and/or the authorities for punitive action.The LAN Domain will include all data closets, physical elements of the LAN, as well as logical elements to be designated by authorized personnel. Authorized personnel wil l be properly screened and authorized by the IT department head and given a special access card with separate pin code as well their normal username and pass code. Each closet will require this special access card and code to gain admittance. Each server will also require this card and code along with separate username and login credentials.Any hardware, software and equipment is to be installed by these persons only on any machine. Along with that, they will assure proper print, e-mail, and file server setups. They will also be responsible for designating access to users according to ACLs. This includes setup and securing any company Wireless Access Points (WAPs) for use with company devices only. Any violations will be cause for immediate removal of special access rights and suspension of privileges. Again they will be dealt with by company executives and/or the authorities for further punitive action.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Andy Warhol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Andy Warhol - Essay Example The lines are not sharp. They are hazy and wayward as if drawn with a very lose hand. There are six dollar signs occupying most of the space on the canvas. Except for two, the rest touch the upper and the lower edge of the canvas. Starting from left, the first dollar sign is painted in a very dark maroon color with its shadow showing in red; a translucent hazy image of a dollar sign. The sign looks flat in comparison with the length of the canvas. The second dollar sign has light green background while the dollar sign is painted in purple color with orange shading. It might not be in drastic contrast with the background but it still gives the offset coloring. The next dollar sign has similar pattern; light blue background with light burgundy to fill the dollar sign. The notable thing is the hazy blue appearing as the shading within the dollar sign, which creates this hazy effect such that the viewer might feel drunk. The second row from the left has a different style of the dollar si gn, probably representing the dollar currency of the old days, with two lines through the ‘S’. The contrast with the background is similar to the first picture. The last two signs have light blue and light green backgrounds respectively. It is oil on canvas piece of art. The advantage is to reflect the different collage of colors in each dollar sign. The point of repetition of dollar sign is to mock those people who separate business from art, those who think that apparently art and business are mutually exclusive. The choice of material makes an ordinary sign (the dollar sign appear more appealing). There are not many colors that people see in an ordinary looking thing that is the symbol of power, money and the American dream. Andy has tried to communicate his ideas about art and business through his work. To many the question of repeating the dollar sign is baffling. But Andy delivers a powerful message through this repetition that even art can be manufactured. His st udio was named The Factory only to emphasize his philosophy that art can be dealt as a commodity. The repetition of the dollar sign mocks the people who try to separate the two. It is quite apparent what the artist is trying to do in the painting. For my own reaction to this painting I am nothing short of being in awe of Warhol’s work. There are many art students who think that living the life as an artist is hard with unstable or low income. Andy Warhol is considered one of the most successful artists; the top of those who made money through their art. Warhol proved that when the artist knows his skill inside out it is relatively easy to make money. Just like an experienced financier or investor can get through thick and thin and able to save his company, the same is the case with an artist; by simply painting a lame dollar sign in different colors, shades and backing it with a thought proved successful for him. He got fame and as a consequence got fortune so it conveys a ve ry powerful meaning to me that we only need to figure out the way. Sometimes the path needs to be cut out but there is no such thing as dead end or rigidity in arts. I chose this particular piece for I am a fan of Andy Warhol’s work. I look up to his paintings when I need inspiration. When people tell me that my work isn’t good enough or when people doubt my abilities I read about Andy Warhol and look at his artwork. Today when a successful artist is known by the amount of money he makes, it is only imperative to learn the tricks of the trade. Without being recognized or being paid for the work, there is hardly any future to a talent, be it the fasted pitcher or the most skillful artist. The likes of Michelangelo and Da Vinci weren’t excused of this bitter reality of life. Warhol’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

POL DB 5 All Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

POL DB 5 All - Assignment Example The government, therefore, has a duty to protect its citizens from such crimes. The issue of crime is a national pandemic and cannot be overlooked. Therefore, the government creates an agenda to discuss it and find lasting solutions. There is the agenda of homicide and cyber-crime. Both have been robbing the country of either prominent people or lots of money. The policy formulation will include hefty penalties for anyone charged with a cyber-crime or a homicide. Actually, for a homicide, individuals could also receive a death sentence. For a cyber-crime, the individual will be required to pay up every cent to the last coin. The police on patrol will also increase and surveillances will be put in areas strategic, so as to identify the people carrying out different types of crimes. The policy evaluation will eventually be done to see how the two active policies are. The "government will then evaluate the facts on the ground and try to seal the loopholes" (Ãâ€"berg, Lundin and Thelander, 114). Thus, the system becomes more efficient. There are several needs that arise, and that require to be brought to the attention of the policymakers for them to review and make decisions. Crime is one such issue. One of the typical examples of crime is larceny and any such theft like robbery with violence and burglary. From the offense perspective, Plott states that "a rise in the practice of theft in a particular state may raise the alarm for the government to act on it" (25). It therefore, becomes an agenda in their list. There are different ways that to table this in parliament. The government may decide to look at the causes of the rise in such theft cases. What age is mostly involved in these acts? Why? Is it that the employment rate is high? The government then decides to focus on the "whys" to find a lasting solution. They then brainstorm on the possible causes. They are then able to draft a plan from their finding. For example, the paper

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gothic old novel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gothic old novel - Essay Example â€Å"Why is this path so old? It seems to have not been used in a long time, â€Å"I wondered. The way was getting smaller as I move. Some cold liquid fell on my half covered back. I said a short prayer to God to save my life. The rain had finally started, and here I was in the middle of nowhere alone. â€Å"I have to move fast,† I thought. I had some noise before I could make a move. I felt cold and stood rooted to the ground with my eyes tightly closed. When silence returned, I got hold myself and run quickly to no destination. Finally, I came to an open compound that looked well kept and organized; the rain was now pouring heavily, lightning and thunder accompanied it. I thanked my God and felt relieved.† Hallo anyone home?† there was no answer. I moved to the door and turned the lock, it opened. It was dark inside; I took out my phone that had a torch. It was wet, what was I to do next? I slowly found my way to a seat in one of the corners of the room. I didn’t know when I fell asleep only to wake up to the sound of pots falling to the ground. There was light coming from a room just at the end of a passage it was too bright to be electricity. I moved there ensuring that I made no noise. There was no one in sight, everything well arranged, it was a kit chen. The cooker was on, and a huge pot of water was boiling. The door got shut at my back, I jump in fear, and the room had pots of fresh blood and heaps of stocked meat that was already going bad and smelly. I felt someone moving across the room yet I could not catch the sight of anyone. I ran to the door and found that it was locked, and the room was becoming brighter as time went, I could not think straight fear got the better part of me. There was noise coming from an inner room that had a dazzling light, it seems people were in there and argued about something. I had to save myself. Pans were flying out of the room and what scared me most were the different sizes of knives

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tourism and France Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism and France - Research Paper Example The international tourists provide importance to rich natural vegetation, cultural and historical heritage of a tourist destination. Within this context, France is one of the best examples for the rapid growth and development of tourism as a profitable business. Thesis statement: The economic, cultural and social impacts of tourism in the French society prove that tourism is a business, which is interconnected with the process of development. The glory of France as an international tourist destination is interconnected with Charles VIII, because he conquered Mont Aiguille in France (say, in the year 1492). This incident is important in the history of tourism in France because the same deeply influenced the development of mountaineering as an adventure sport. Hudman and Jackson stated that, â€Å"France has a long history of tourism and well-established reputation of being the playground of Europe† (p.200). In the field of beach tourism in France, the inauguration of seaside resort in Dieppe in the year 1822 is another development. Within the context of infrastructure development, especially the development of railroad network in 1850-1850 is another initiative, which accelerated tourism. One can see that resorts and casinos play an important role in the development of tourism. For instance, the launching of Monte-Carlo Resort and the casino attached to the same is another development in the field of tourism in Fra nce. Most of the international tourists are interested in music and entertainment. In the year 1867, the French authorities in Orange, which deeply influenced the tourism sector, organized a music festival. The opening of the first tourist office in the year 1889 and the opening of the National Tourist Office in the year 1910 are other historical developments. Besides, the establishment of the Vanoise National Park (say, in 1963) in France initiated the development of sustainable tourism. The creation of French Conservatory for Coastal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Video Games and Artificial Intelligence Research Paper

Video Games and Artificial Intelligence - Research Paper Example Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the gaming arena together, have been a sought after area of research since the discovery of AI. Even though, the main objective of the domain of AI which is of creating an interactive human like robot is far from the reality but the field has definitely revolutionized the world of video games, making them more life like and innovative ( Calero & Martin vii). Furthermore, the authors state that the video games provide an interactive real world environment to the player by depicting complex behavior, where perceptions are under total control, through the utilization of enhanced resolution of photo realization and state of the art multiprocessor architecture (vii). Before delving into the crux of AI and the components that drives this phenomenon, it would be a better idea to configure concept of what AI actually is and how it came about. Millington and Funge states that AI enables computers to perform task that human and animals are exclusively capable o f for instances, tasks such as sorting, arithmetic etc are solved easily by a computer system but for it to perform tasks such as face recognition, decision making and language compatibilities needs AI to develop algorithms to give the instructions to the underlying hardware as to what to do next (4). They further add that these algorithms are developed using either using the philosophical notion by retracing the trail of human thoughts or by using the psychological technique, through the process of understanding the human brain and the processes therein. Thirdly, the algorithms can also be engineered by configuring them to perform human-like tasks (4). Millington and Fudge say that the AI in game is divided into three sections: Movement, Decision making and strategy (4). Shedding light into the movement segment of an AI model, gives us a clear indication that in most of the games except the combat ones, the movement is related to path finding. Jones explain that in most of the game s integrating the path finding strategy, the main objective is to find a path between an arbitrary point A to another point B. In many game, multiple pathways exist between the two required points so constraints such as finding the shortest path or least cost exists (123). The authors illustrate this point by laying out a scenario in which multiple paths exists by considering two points separated by a hill, it is faster to take the path that round the hill that the one that goes up it, however it may prove to be an advantage for the player to go up the hill in terms of general progress of the game (123). Path finding, at certain times is actually searching for the shortest path that exists in a graph, in terms of games, a graph is a particular land route a gamer has to pass through. It consists of edges and nodes. Nodes are the points A and B that we discussed above and the path joining them are called edges, most of the time, these edges are weighted, giving them a measure of the d istance that they cover. In a graph we have multiple nodes and edges and to find a shortest path between two particular

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Chinese civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chinese civilization - Essay Example ted a lasting foundation for the development of a lasting authority at the Yellow River Basin considered as the cradle of civilization in China (Keightley, 4). The Yellow River Basin gave the earliest hint of civilization that later spread to other areas. The family unit of the ancestors of the current Chinese people in the Yellow River basin allowed for the passing on of culture from the Xia through to the Shang dynasty within which civilization began. The height of the bronze culture began during the Shang Dynasty due to the start of smart casting and smelting for the generation of beautiful wares (Keightley, 12). There was also a development of pottery making, silk weaving, and sericulture, caving in jade and ivory during the same period facilitated by the family unit and the ancestors spurring civilization. The other development that has been documented of the Shang dynasty is Chinese writing for oracular purposes on the shoulder blades of pigs owing to the family unit to which the dynasties formed their basis. This development continued to the 15th Century when China was the most powerful country in the world, and it occupied the position of the most productive and technology advanced country. There were a number of advances tha t were made that all came from the family and ancestors, who together gave the seeds for civilization including developed agriculture, independent medicine, botanical knowledge, and developed irrigation. The family and the ancestors in China also were the main factors for civilization because they were able to make cast iron in industrial scale leading to the civilization in

Ma2.1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Ma2.1 - Essay Example Holzner (2006) found that Dell, from its very early years of business, focused on offering computers as quickly as possible and with greater quality services (p. 4- 6). With its basic marketing strategy of ‘go direct’ and its marketing objective of providing customers with outstanding value and superior quality computers, Dell could rank 34 in the Fortune 500 companies by 2008. It employs more than 63,000 employees in more than 150 countries. This research work is an attempt to analyze the marketing strategies being adopted by Dell Inc in recent years. Rather than describing the strategies that are implemented by Dell, this piece of research work provides an in-depth analysis of why and how these strategies helped Dell success in its business and achieve its goals. This research work helps find out the strategic perspectives and theoretical approaches that explain how Dell made the success story. This work identifies most important strategic methods adopted by Dell including direct business model, Virtual integration, customization and customer focus and these strategies are detailed in order to examine how these strategies can help a business in its success path. This research work is an analysis of international strategy from the example of Dell. Dell has been considered to be a model and illuminating example for successful company with effective international strategies. Not just one strategy, but a number of strategies are virtually integrated in the business story of Dell. This research work identifies certain international management and marketing strategies of Dell including ‘go direct’, supply chain management, customer focus, customization and virtual integration. Dell’s ‘go direct’ model remains to be a powerful strategic tool that not only eliminates the middle men expenses, but, helps the company find and meet specific

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Low Testosterone Levels in Relation to Depression Research Paper

Low Testosterone Levels in Relation to Depression - Research Paper Example This is because; serotonin is a neurotransmitter that relays messages from one region of the brain to the other (Gonzales, et al., 2002). Therefore, the levels of testosterone hormones in an individual, determine their levels of serotonin. It is observed that the older male individuals who have low levels of testosterone have also low levels of serotonin. Thus, with low levels of serotonin, the rate of transmission and relaying messages in the brain is lowered, making an individual less active (Berglund et al., 2011). The less activity of an individual increases their levels of anxiety and consequent low moods, which are symptoms associated with depression. Serotonin is known to influence a higher percentage of brain cells, mostly those related with moods, sexual desire, social behavior, memory and learning, as well as sleep (Devina, et al., 2010). When the serotonin levels in the body are low, the levels of activity in these brain cells are also low; an aspect that promotes low mood s, low memory and low social behaviors and interaction, which on the other hand promote depression. Therefore, whenever the brain cells are suppressed due to low activity or inactivity caused by the low serotonin levels, depression may arise, always preceded by stress as the preceptor of the brain cells (Carnahan & Perry, 2004). Therefore, it is observed that the relationship between testosterone levels and serotonin, have an influence on men’s depression. Depression is likely to be higher in women than men, until the age of 65, when the gender difference disappear, and the men become equally depressed as their female counterparts (Berglund et al., 2011). This is because, testosterone levels decreases with age in males, although the rate at which the decline... This research paper focuses on a positive relationship between testosterone levels and depression in men. Such effective relationship that is a main focus of the essay, takes the form of low testosterone levels triggering depression causative agents, such as anxiety, low social activity, anorexia and insomnia. As male individuals grow older, their testosterone levels decrease. The researcher provides a reference, that for men aged between 20-40 years, only 1% has a diagnosys for low testosterone levels. Therefore, men who are above the age of 55 years are observed to have a low level of testosterone hormones. Low testosterone levels are also observed to affect the Serotonin levels in the body and notably the brain, which in turn impacts on an individual body activity, moods and stress, causing depression. This has a large bearing not only on their psychological and emotional state but also may turn affects on their levels of depression. This essay also discusses the terminology and d escription of adult's depression itself. It is described that depression is likely to be higher in women than men, until the age of 65, when the gender difference disappear, and the men become equally depressed as their female counterparts. Therefore, testosterone treatment and replacement for men who does not respond to conventional depression therapy is highly recommended all over the world nowadays, though with a clear scrutiny into the likelihood of the testosterone replacement in causing cancer.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Presentation Architecture in Renaissance and Baroque Essay Example for Free

Presentation Architecture in Renaissance and Baroque Essay All aspects of Renaissance culture, from art and architecture to philosophy, were influenced and inspired by Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Generally, architecture in the Renaissance can be described as symmetrical, harmonious and sober. Many buildings that were built in the Renaissance are perfect symmetrical, if you would draw a line through the middle of the building, it would have two exact same halves. Because it is so symmetrical, it looks very harmonious and static. However, it often also looks authorative probably because of the use of pediments and columns which make it look like Grecian temples. Renaissance buildings are rarely very high or vertical in contrast to buildings in Gothic architecture. Furthermore, architecture in the Renaissance was very much about the details. On many buildings, you can see lintels, which are the things above the window and you can also often see small sculptures of men, women, gods or other important people. The most important characteristic of the Renaissance is that shapes from the Greek and Roman times were reused in new designs. Typical characteristics that returned in many designs are: columns, which are vertical pillars, pilasters, which is almost the same as a column except that a pilaster is connected to the wall sticking out and it is used as a decoration, vaults, which are arched roofs that support the weight of a roof, domes, which is a hollow sphere above a building and arches, which are structures that span a space while supporting weight, such as a doorway or window in a wall. This is one example of a villa built in Renaissance style. The architect was Palladio, who designed the building in 1567. Palladio was asked to build a villa for Paolo Almerica, a high functionary of the Pope. Villa Almerica is better known as La Rotonda. It was used as a location for parties as well as a place to live in. It is made up of a cube centre part, where the owners of the villa lived, with on the 4 sides of the building the same set of columns and entablature built to it. In this picture, you can see that this building has a dome, pilasters, lintels and columns with Ionic capitals, which you can see here. A capital is the top of a column. It also has an entablature with a cornice and the architrave. The two middle columns are placed a bit  to the sides to emphasize the door. This part looks a bit like a Grecian temple and that makes it look authorative. Another example of a building made in the Renaissance is The Tempietto del San Pietro. It is a cylinder-shaped little church in Rome. The word â€Å"tempietto† means â€Å"small Temple† as it is one. The Tempietto is built at the court of the San pietro in Montorio church. It was built by Donato Bramante in 1502. The Spanish king Ferdinand ordered Bramante to build a church to remember the crucifixion of Petrus, one of the first apostles and the first pope. The little temple would be built on the spot where Petrus was crucified. This is why the building is especially important in Rome. As you can see it looks very Greek again because of the columns with doric capitals. It also has a dome but it especially looks Greek because of the symmetry of the temple. The building expresses the balanced proportions of Renaissance architecture. The columns, the frieze and the decorative features all show the classical influence. At the end of the 17th century, Baroque rose up and started to replace the Renaissance. This change was due to religious reasons. In the 1500s the Roman Catholic Church was under much pressure to reform. In this period, Protestantism was rising, especially in northern Europe. Protestantism was highly critical of the Roman Catholic Church and its abuses of its powerful position. Baroque can be seen as a cultural public relations movement started by the Roman Catholic Church to win back the support of the people. Protestantism is characterized by sober architecture. The roman-Catholics decided to go the opposite direction and promote architecture which was over the top, dramatic and extraordinary, to try and get the public back to re-interest in the Roman Catholic Church again. Baroque is an architectural style, which evolved in the 16th century in Italy. During the 17th century, the style spread through Europe and Latin America. Baroque architecture is the opposite of Renaissance architecture. Renaissance architecture was very calm and balanced, symmetrical and harmonious while the baroque architecture was very extravagant and asymmetrical. Baroque style is all about drama, energy and rhythm. The  grandiose buildings, sculptures and paintings were meant to inspire religious awe and excitement in the people. The Baroque architecture draws your attention. Baroque style is typical for breaking the limits for classic buildings and going in an extreme form. Most baroque buildings have bent asymmetrical shapes. Baroque architecture buildings are supposed to amaze people. It is supposed to look fantastic and over the top. Some people might think it is kitsch. This is a picture of a kaisersal residence, which was used from 1719 to 1944. Johann Balthazar Neumann was the architect who designed this baroque style house for the Prince Bishops of Wuerzburg. In this room, the Bishop received important people. The over the top theme of baroque is shown in this room by the amount of decoration. It is really overwhelming because of all the gold and the decorations. You can see that this room was designed to receive important people as it would impress them. You can’t recognize any Renaissance architecture features in this room anymore. You can’t see any Ancient Greek or Roman architectural features. This is another example of Baroque architecture. It is the Berlin Cathedral or Berliner Dom in Berlin, Germany. It is also called the Lutheran Cathedral. The people who went to Berlin might recognize it. Again, you can see that it is very extravagant and over the top. It has many details and decorative features such as all the sculptures. This building has some Renaissance features though such as the pilasters and the pediments and off course the domes. The baroque spread through Europe but didn’t really spread in this form to northern Europe because Protestantism was too strong there. In Holland, which was also very protestant, the Baroque style developed in its own way. It had such a distinctive style that it got a different name: Dutch Classicism or Hollands Classicisme. It glorified the Dutch Republic of the 17th century, democracy and the new found wealth from colonialism.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Construction Project Delay: Causes and Effects

Construction Project Delay: Causes and Effects In this chapter, I will discuss types, causes and effects of delay of project in the construction industry. Besides that, I will also discuss the method to minimize the delays happening in construction industry 2.2 Type of Delay In construction industry, there are the categories of delays used in determining delay damage as shown in table 2.1 Figure 2.1 Types of Delay 2.2.1 Excusable delays Excusable delay as define a delay that is due to an unforeseeable event beyond the contractorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s or the subcontractorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s control. Usually, based on common general provisions in public agency specifications, delay resulting from the following events would be considered excusable such as fires, floods, owner-directed changes, errors and omissions in the contract drawing, unusually severe weather and etc. Excusable delays can be further classified into excusable with compensation and excusable without compensation. Excusable with compensation Compensation delays are caused by the owner or the owners agents. An example of this would be the drawings late release from the owners architect. An excusable, compensable delay normally leads to a schedule extension and exposes the owner to financial damages claimed by the contractor. In this scenario, the contractor incurs additional indirect costs for both extended field office and home office overhead and unabsorbed home office overhead. Excusable delays without compensation Non-compensable delays are caused by third parties or incidents beyond the control of both the owner and the contractor. Examples typically include acts of God, unusual weather, strikes, fires, acts of government in its sovereign capacity, etc. In this case, the contractor is normally entitled to claim extension of time but no compensation for delay damages 2.2.2 Non-excusable delays Non-excusable delays are cause by lack of performance of the contractor on the construction project. This delay can be cause by underestimates of productivity, improper project planning and scheduling, poor site management and supervision, wrong construction methods, equipment breakdowns, unreliable subcontractors or suppliers. Therefore, it is contractor responsibilities to continue their work with no entitlement to claim for extension of time or delay damages until they completed the project. For instance, a contractor failure to provide an adequate material to completed their job. 2.2.3 Concurrent Delay Concurrent delay is a problem that happening on most of the construction industry project. This issue arises when two or more delaying event at the same time in a project cannot complete on time. In this situation, both owner and contractor are responsible for the delay. Commonly concurrent delays which involve any two or more excusable delays result in extension of time. When excusable with compensation and non-excusable delays are concurrent, an extension of time can be issued or the delay can be distribution between the owner and the contractor. Concurrent delay can be categories in three types of delays: If excusable and non-excusable delays occur concurrently, the contractor only to allow claim for extension of time: If excusable with compensation and excusable without compensation delays occur concurrently, the contractor is entitle to claim extension of time but no delay damages: If two excusable with compensation delays occur concurrently, the contractor is entitled to claim extension of time and delay damages. For instance, a concurrent delay would be if the owner failure to give more detail regarding either using ceramic tile or homogeneous tile for toilet floor finishes. But at the same time contractor made with own decision and using ceramic tile for toilet floor finishes but actually owner plan using homogeneous tile. In this situation, the contractor cannot claim for damages. It is because contractor is not follow owner instruction but he can claim for extension of time with owner failure to give more detail of drawing 2.3 Causes of delays Figure 2.2 Causes of delays Based on the researched done through by journal, books, and some other reference. Project delay can be causes by a lot of parties which is shown in the Figure 2.2. They are include client, contractor, consultant, labour, material, equipment, financial and some external causes. 2.3.1 Caused of Client Related Delays Figure 2.3 Factors of client related delays Lack of experience of client in construction According to Koushki, et al. (2005) identified factors of lack of experiences of client in construction project have high influence to the causes of delays. Some of the project delay cause by client due to not enough experience especially fresh developer. Most of the time, client facing a problem and do not know how to solve it immediately because of no experience. During client finding the way to solve the problem, some of the work could not progress. Finally, the whole project delay because of some particular work delay. Change order According to Odeh and Battaineh (2002) mentioned the factors of change orders that contribute to causes of delaysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Client always change the design during the construction period, during the same time that will affect whole project delay. It is because contractor cannot carry out his work until the latest drawing issue by architect. Consequently contractor cannot be done within the contract period. Most of the current project delay because of change order by client. For instance, a project almost complete but client change certain part of design and instruct contractor carry out the additional work. After done the whole project, the contractor found out was exceeding contract period. Client interference According to Long, et al. (2004) studied the factors client interference that contributes to causes of delays in construction project. Some of the client instruct contractor to carry out additional work without ask architect promise. During the contractor carry out additional work, some of the work could not progress and it will be delay immediately. On the other hand, client do not follow the procedure such as did not mention architect issue an architect instruction. Finally it will affect the whole project delay. 2.3.2 Causes of contractor related delay Figure 2.4 Factors of contractor related delay Inadequate contractor experience Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) studied the factors of inadequate contractor experience as contributor to causes of delays. Long, ET al. (2004) mentioned the factors of inadequate contractor experience that contribute to causes of delays in construction project. Battaineh (2002) identified the factors of inadequate contractor experience as contributors to causes of delays. In construction industry, some of the delay projects are facing a problem during construction period. But at the same time contractor could not solved the problem immediately because of no experience. During the contractor finding method to solve the problem, some of the works totally stop because of that problem. After the problem was solved, those work keeping continue but run out from the schedule. Finally, the whole project will influence delay. Inaccurate time estimate According to Long, et al. (2004) identified the factors of inaccurate time estimating that contribute to causes of delays in construction project.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Time estimates are important as inputs into other technique used to manage and structure for all projects. An inaccurate time estimation technique may cause a project delay. For instance, in some delay project, the contractor do not allowed time for some common problem always happen during the construction stage such as breakdown of equipment, miss deliveries by supplies, accidents and emergencies and so on. Because of this problem the actual time will run out from the estimated. So, the whole project could be facing delay. Inaccurate of cost estimate According to Long, et al. (2004) also mentioned that, the factors of inaccurate cost estimating that contribute to causes of delays in construction project. Construction estimating errors can be very expensive and embarrassing. Inaccurate of cost estimate contribute a lot of cause such as wrong measurements from contract drawing, using incorrect units of measure, material improperly priced and the most common mistakes in arithmetic . Sometime contractor because of inaccurate of cost estimate measurement again for that particular work. Finally, due to re-measurement time some of the work will influence delay and it will also affect whole project to delay. Poor site management and supervision Battaineh (2002) studied that, the factors of poor site management and supervision as contributors to causes of delays. Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996) identified the factors of poor site management and supervision that contribute to causes of delays. In construction industry, some of the project team a lack of management and supervision due team member without any experience and skill such as hire person who are fresh graduate. Once they facing problem but do not know how to solve it. Besides that, some of the supervisor did not cooperation with their team member due to lack of communicated. Finally, because of cannot solve the problem immediately the whole project influence delay. 2.3.3 Causes of Consultant Related Delays Figure 2.5 Factors of consultant related delays Inadequate consultant experience According to Long, et al. (2004) studied the factors of inadequate consultant experience as contributors to causes of delays. In construction industry, they are many consultants carry out their work without experience. Besides that, there are many causes of a consultant without experience which include different site conditions, mismanagement and maladministration, site access restrictions, defective plan and/or specification. For instances, some of the architects only concentrated in certain part of building and do not have any experience in other type. Once architect design on that particular type of building without experiences, he will facing a lot of mistake and no ideas during design and because of this architect will delay issue the drawing. Finally, the works cannot process and it will affect the whole project delay. Poor design and delay in design According to Ogunlana, et al.(1996) mentioned the factors of poor design and delay in design that contribute to causes of delays in construction project. Design is every important to any project, without good design the whole project will influence delay. It is because in a project if facing poor design that will facing demolish and rebuilt again. This problem happens because of the designer lack of experience. For instance, an architect designs a column in the middle of classroom. Once the contractor without any experience and construct the work exactly shown in the drawing. Finally Incomplete drawing and detail design Long, et al. (2004) identified the factors of incomplete drawing and detail design as contributors to causes of delays. Ogunlana, et al. (1996) studied the factors of incomplete drawing and detail design that contribute to causes of delays in construction project. During construction, the contractor is carrying out the work but because of drawing is unclear and none very detail shown in the drawing. He could not continue the work with problem, so the works have to stop immediately until get more detail of that particular drawing from consultant responds. Because of without detail drawing the work could not be progress, so it will affect the tat particular work delay and it will also influence the whole project delay. 2.3.4 Causes of labour related delays Figure 2.6 Factors of labour related delays Labour supply Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) identified the factors of slow labor supply that contribute to causes of delays. Odeh and Bataineh (2002) in their research identified à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the factors of labor supply as contributors to causes of delays. Besides material, the labour also consider as major source in the construction industry. Generally, labour are categories into two groups such as skilled workers and unskilled workers. In construction industry without labour project could not run. For instance, during construction, materials are ready to but no worker carrying out the work. During the same time because of no worker to progress of work, the project will confront project delay. Shortage of skilled worker According to Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996) mentioned the factor of shortage of skill labor is the most important factor that contributed to causes of delays. Skilled worker is a worker who has some special skill, knowledge and ability in his job and also gets highest pay such as plasterer, carpenter, painter, and concreter. Those skilled workers are learning the skills on the job. In construction, some contractors do not hire skilled workers because of higher labour cost and he employs some unskilled workers. At the same time skilled workers do not want get the job from the contractor with lower labour cost. Finally the unskilled workers could not complete the work on time. So, because of shortage of skilled worker affect whole project delay. Labor of productivity According to Ogunlana, et al. (1996) studied the factor of labor productivity having high influence to causes of delays. Labor of productivity; generally define as output per labour hour. There are many factors that influence on the labour productivity. One of the factors is workers experience, labour with high experience and high skills in field leads to high performance at workplace. Besides that, attitude also will affect productivity of labour. For instance, a worker can lay one meter square per hour but because of lazy. Finally he using three hours to finish laid the brick wall. Because of this factor, the progress work delay and it will also influence the whole project delay. 2.3.5 Causes of Material related Delay Figure 2.7 Factors of material related delay Shortage of construction materials Koushki, et al. (2005) mentioned that, factor shortage of construction material that contribute to causes of delays. Ogunlana, et al. (1996) identified the factor of shortage of material as a factor to causes of delay. Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996) studied that factors shortage of material as contributors that contribute to causes of delays. Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) identified the factor of shortage of material that contribute to causes of delays. Material shortage is a potential source of construction delay. The major causes of material shortage is demand exceed supply. In construction have a lot type of material and the three main courses are cement, formwork and steel bar. Besides that, material is one of the main sources in construction industry. It is because without material project cannot construct. If a project facing the material shortage problem will be delay. For instance, a project having shortage ceramic tiles even though the labours ready for tiling. In this situatio n, the project will facing delay project. Late delivery of materials Ogunlana, et al. (1996) identified the factor of late delivery of material as a factor to causes of delay. Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) studied the factor of late delivery of material that contribute to causes of delays. Late delivery of material as a supplier fault due to high market demand; however the long procedure of the purchasing order from head office was complained. In construction, it factor is similar to the material shortage such as the labour ready for work but no material to do their work. Once contractor cannot receive the material on time that will be delay work and it will also affect project delay. For example, workers want to install the windows but without frame because of late delivery to site. So, the work will be delay and it will affect project delay. Poor quality of construction materials Koushki, et al. (2005) mentioned that factor poor quality of material that contribute to causes of delays. Ogunlana, et al. (1996) identified the factor of poor quality of material as a factor to causes of delay. Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) studied the factor of poor quality of material that contribute to causes of delays. Poor quality of material is construct building with using poor quality of material. The contractor has intention to cheat owner to earn more profit by change the quality of material such as concrete. For instance, a contractor cast a column with using Y 20 steel bar but actual in contract drawing is Y 25. After site staff done the inspection for this column and found that the steel bar inside column is Y 20 and ask contractor demolish the column to rebuild. In this case, time taken to rebuild the column will also affect project delay. Escalation of material prices Ogunlana, et al. (1996) identified the factor of escalation of material prices as a factor to causes of delay. Wiguna and Scoot (2005) studied the factor of escalation of material prices was one factor that contribute to causes of delays. Escalation of material prices will cause shortage material in construction. It is because the market rate is keeping increasing. Some of the contractor does not buy the expensive material. During same time, the construction without material cannot run so the project will influence the project delay. For instance, a contractor because of material cost of market demands higher and does not make any order for material until material shortage. Finally, the construction cannot run without material and it will affect delay project also. 2.3.6 Causes of Equipment Related Delays Figure 2.8 Factors of Equipment related delays Insufficient number of equipment According to Ogunlana, et al. (1998) identified the factors of insufficient numbers of equipment is the most significant factors that contribute to causes of delays. In construction stage, contractors are facing not enough machinery to produce work. It is because some of the contractors do not have a large capital to purchase that machinery due to higher cost. Once the projects carry out with not enough machinery, it will influence whole project delay. For instance, there are two works to be done by using towel crane but in site only one towel crane available. Finally, two of work could not be done at the same time due to not enough towel cranes. Frequent equipment breakdown McCaffer (1998) studied the factors of equipment breakdown as contributors to causes of delays. Ogunlana, et al. (1998) mentioned the factor of frequent equipment breakdown is the most significant factors that contribute to causes of delays. In construction industry, some of the machinery always breakdown due to improper using by worker such as do not follow the instruction. For instance, machinery only can support for five hundred kilograms of material but during worker using that machinery and his carry out six hundred kilograms of material. Finally, the machinery will breakdown. Once machinery breakdown, the work will be stop immediately and affect some work delay. Finally, because of machinery breakdown the whole project will also influence delay. Shortage of Equipment Parts According to Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996) identified the factor of shortage of equipment parts that contribute to causes of delays. After machinery breakdown, the technical carry out the repair work for the breakdown of equipment. During the same time, some part of machinery none have stock in market. Because of no spare part to repair the machinery, some of the works facing stop progress immediately. Consequently, it will influence whole project to be delay. 2.3.7 Causes of Financial Related Delays Figure 2.9 Factors of Financial related delays Clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial difficulties According to Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996) identified the factors of clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial difficulties as contributor to causes of delays. During the construction, client will face some financial problem arise from unanticipated emergencies or financial mismanagement such as global financial crisis. Besides that, a client proposes a new development without borrow term loan or bridging loan from the bank. On the other hand, improper cost planning is a most serious problem for those clients facing in current delay project. For instance, during pre-construction stage a client do not planning cost properly and he will facing a lot of problem in construction stage such as no enough capital to pay contractor payment. Finally, because of contractor did not receive payment to influence whole project delay. Delay payment to suppliers/subcontractor According to Abd Majid and McCaffer (1998) mentioned the factors of inadequate fund allocation and delay payment to subcontractor/suppliers as contributor to causes of delays in construction project. Due to sub- contractor do not take their responsibility to done the work on time. The contractor will delay the payment until they complete the job. But at the same time, the sub-contractor refuse to work because of not yet receive payment. As a consequently, the whole project will be influence delay due to sub-contractor refuse to work. Contractorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial difficulties According to Ogunlana, et al. (1996) studied the factors of contractorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial difficulties having high influence to causes of delays. Poor financial management has been known as one of the factors why certain project cannot complete within contract period. Because of contractor lack of experience and could not manage their capital properly. On the other hand, because of delay payment by client contractor not enough money to cover up all sub-contractors and suppliers payment. Finally, the sub-contractor and suppliers refuse to work and supply material to the site and because of this factor the whole will influence delay. 2.3.8 Causes of External Related Delays Figure 2.10 Factors of external related delays Weather condition Odeh and Battaineh (2002) identified the factors of weather condition as contributors to causes of delays. Long, et al. (2004) mentioned factors weather condition as factors ofexternal related delays. AL-Momani (2000) studied the factor of weather condition as contributors to causes of delays in construction project. During the construction period, weather is a factor to influence the whole project delay. It because weather condition that interfere with planned activities. Some activities can process but other cannot. For instances, during the worker cast the ground floor slab, but because of raining that particular work to be delay. Slow site clearance According to Long, et al. (2004) identified factors of slow site clearance as factors of external related delays. During begin of construction stage, the responsibility party should have to carry out their work for site clearance immediately. Without clearance the site construction work cannot process. In some delay project found that, the third party did not take their responsibility to finish the site clearance within the period. Consequently, the whole project delay because of site clearance works delay. 2.4 Effect of Delays According to Aibinu and Jagboro (2002) identified the effects of construction delays on project delivery in Nigerian construction industry. They also said that the six major effects of delays follow by rank which include time overrun, cost overrun, dispute, arbitration, litigation, and total abandonment as shown in the Table 2.11 Effects of Delay Rank Time overrun 1 Cost overrun 2 Dispute 3 Arbitration 4 Litigation 5 Total Abandonment 6 Source : Aibinu and Jagboro (2002) Table 2.11 The effect of delays 2.4.1 Time overrun Time overrun it mean contractor could not carry out their work within contract period. In generally, time overrun can be categories into two group which include excusable delays and non-excusable. Once the project facing time overrun, it will affect the progress of work cannot finish on time. Besides that, the fault party will take the responsibility to pay the relevant parties for damages because of delay. For instance, during the project almost completed, but at the same time contractor because of exceptionally implement weather cannot completed the project within contract period. In this situation the contractor entitle to claim extension of time. On the other hand, if that contractor cannot complete the work within contract period due to his own fault. So the contractor no entitle to claim extension of time and he need to pay liquated damages. As stated in Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia form 2006 (PAM form 2006), which certain clauses stating about the damages by employer due to this event. It stated that in clauses below. Clause 22.1 Liquidated Damage and Certificate of Non-Completion If the contractor fails to complete the works by the Completion Date, and the architect is of the opinion that the same ought reasonably so to have been completed, the architect shall issue a certificate of Non-completion. Upon the issuance of the certificate of Non-Completion the contractor shall pay or allow to the Employer a sum calculated at the rate stated in the Appendix as Liquidated Damages for the period from the Completion Date to the Date of Practical Completion. The Employer may recover such sum from the Performance Bond. The Employer shall inform the contractor in writing of such deduction or such debt due to from the contractor. The imposition of Liquated Damages by the Employer shall not be taken into account by the Architect in the issuance of payment certificates and Final Certificate, and is not subject to the set-off procedures under clause 30.4 and adjudication. Clause 23.1 Submission of notice and particulars for extension of time If the Contractor is of the opinion that the completion of the Work is or will be delayed beyond the completion Date by any of the Relevant Event stated in Clause 23.8, he may apply for an extension of time provided always that Clause 23.8 Relevant Events Exceptionally implement weather 2.4.2 Cost overrun During construction stages, the client and contractor always facing of cost overrun. Cost overrun  is an unexpected  cost  incurred in excess of a budgeted amount, due to  cost underestimation. Cost overrun is related to time overrun, once a project cannot be done in time, it will also affect the cost of project over budget. Commonly, cost overrun always happen due to contractor own fault such as inaccurate of cost estimate and he need to take responsibility to pay owner loss and expense. For instance, a contractor because of improper cost planning due to cost overrun. Finally, the owner set of his loss and expense from the contractor interim payment. 2.4.3 Dispute In construction industry, some of project delay because of dispute between contractual parties such as client, consultants, contractor and some relevant parties. Those disputes because of client failure make payment to the contractor. Once dispute happen, the relevant parties will go through with mediation. The mediator will make a decision to solve the problem. But if one of the parties does not accept the decision made by mediator, the parties will appeal the decision with arbitrator. If both parties accept the decision and the fault parties will take responsibility to pay damages for project delay. 2.4.4 Arbitration In current delay project, some of the contractual parties do not accept the mediator decision and they appeal in arbitration. Arbitrator will also make the decision to solve the problem. But if one of the parties does not accept the decision again made by Arbitrator, they still can appeal the decision in litigation. 2.4.5 Litigation In some delay project, the relevant parties because of still do not accept with the arbitrator decision. They are appeal the result in litigation which is dispute resolution in the courts. In litigation, the parties have a trial either by a court alone or by jury. If those parties are not satisfied judgment again, then they can appeal again if they have any new evidence to proof their right. But one the parties accept with the judgment, the faulty of parties need take responsibility to pay the penalty 2.4.6 Total abandonment Total abandonment it means the whole project stop immediately because of client facing financial difficulties. Some of the current delay project totally abandoned because of clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s or contractor problem which include clients bankruptcy, contractor run away, poor marketing and sales strategies and so on. The effect of project totally abandoned will affect many parties such as contractual parties which include contractor, consultant, sub-contractor, supplier and some other relevant parties. Besides those parties, the purchasers will also suffer in cost damages due to project abandoned. 2.5 Methods of minimizing construction delays According to Nguyen, et al. (2004), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“studied the factors that can be applied as a method of minimizing of construction delays as follows: competent project manager; frequent progress meeting; accurate initial cost estimates; accurate initial time estimates; awarding bids to the right/experience consultant and contractor.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? During pre-construction stage, a client should employ a depth knowledge project manager to organize a good project team member to progress the work. Besides that, the project team member should be always discussing with the problem having during the site progress. On the other hand, contractor should be employs some employee with experience such as quantity surveyor. So that, during the time or cost estimate they can add on some unforeseen event to avoid the cost and time overrun. Furthermore, the developer should be hire some experience consultant and contractor.iot is because once they facing problem, they can refer previous project to so lve the problem immediately. So, the project can process with smoothly. According to Aibinu and Jagboro (2002), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“identified two methods to minimize or if possible eliminate time overrun were: acceleration of site activities, and contingency allowance.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? During construction stages, the contractor should carry out his responsibility to make sure the work progress can complete in time. If found that work progress are not equal to the estimate schedule. The contractor may carry out with acceleration such as hire additional worker. Besides that, the client may allow contractor standby some extra cost for unforeseen event such as accidents. According to Koushki, et al. (2005), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“revealed that the minimization of time delays and cost overruns would require: ensure adequate and available source of finance until project completion; ensure timely delivery of materials.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? During pre-construction, a client may prepare a good cash flow within the contract period. Once the client does not enough money to cover up construction cost, he can borrow a term loan or bridging loan from the bank to cover the cost until the whole project completed. It will avoid project delay due to client not enough capital. Besides that, the contractors make sure that material are order with a reliable suppliers and can receive it on time. Acco

Saturday, July 20, 2019

E-Commerce in India

E-Commerce in India Marketing environment in India is changing. The trend of marketing by the consumers has changed drastically from past 10 years till date. The local environment has changed in both infrastructural ,social,economic terms in india. This paper shows the increase of the e-commerce market and internet marketing in india. Our findings show that the trend of internet marketing is on the rise among the various section of people of different age groups. This paper also refers to the various causes of the emergence of these markets along with the steps that can be used to enhance its development in Indian market. E-commerce is emerging as a new market which can help in the economic growth. This paper also shows the types on material available on the internet and how it is used as an medium for marketing. INTRODUCTION E commerce or electronic commerce is defined as the sale and purchase of goods and services through internet as the medium through the different sites on the internet. Electronic commerce refers to expansion of the buisness market and maintaining the relationship with the customers by using telecommunication networks . E commerce has led to a shift in the buisness environment in the world including india.india ia still a developing nation. The growth and development of e commerce will be vital for the growth and develpment of nation. In india the users of computers and internet have increased drastically from 1995 to 2013. Now the entire buisness scenario has changed as everything has become online now. Most of the buisness activities are related to internet e.g. internet commerce,virtual commerce,cyber commerce. All these have been possible due to the use of internet. As we say that the world is a global village has been possible due to advancement in the communication services Internet growth has been regarded as the main cause of the new developments, such as decreased margins for companies as consumers turn more and more to the internet to buy goods and demand the best prices. E-commerce provides various benefits to the consumers as goods are available at lower cost, variety of choices are available and the tie of buyer is also saved. People can buy goods and services at a mere click of the mouse button without moving out of their houses or offices. Similarly online services such as banking, ticketing (including airlines, bus, railways), bill payments, hotel booking etc. have been proved a boon for the customers. Online businesses like financial services, travel, entertainment, and groceries are all on the verge of expansion. In the e commerce process the customer browses through internet to get the information about the desired product/services.when the customer is completely satisfied by products features,its advantages after comparing it with other products then the order is placed for the desired product/services. Online transaction is done and then the selling company informs the customer about the payment and the delivery date is given. Some of the features of e commerce process are: E commerce enables the companies to expand them globally. Everything can be sold on internet even if the product is for smaller markets. It is time saving, delivery is done at a faster rate,reduces the cost of transportation. There is no time constraint. Consumer can easily compare pice and product effectively and efficiently. Consumer interaction with the company directly is also improved by quick feedback and comment forms. E commerce refers to better and quick customer services. Due to the absence of intermediaries, buying procedure is generally quicker. E commerce is also boosted by electronic fund transfer throughout the world. Because of all these features the e commerce industry in india has flourished at a high rate, INTERNET USERS IN INDIA During the past decade the no. of internet users has increased at a explosive rate. According to times of india, India had about 121 million internet users by December 2011,. Out of 121 million, 97 million are expected to be active Internet users, who access Internet at least once in a month. a study by internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB said A 100 million internet users is considered a critical landmark for the country. With this internet use in India is expected to enter a critical period of growth with the possibility of becoming the largest internet using country in the world in this decade, . The economic times also stated that according to the Internet World Stats, India has achieved a 10.2% internet penetration at about 12.1 crore users as of December 2011. E:SSS.jpg E:internet-usage-statistics-india-500-809.jpg According to the data given in this chart, the internet users in india is increasing year by year and in 2012 the number of internet users were 150 million. These show that the use of internet in on a high among Indian masses.India has 13% of internet users in Asia and 7.36% that of the world. 70% of people who know computer have used internet which is a healthy sign. According to the surveys of india in 2011, the following facts were the main findings : According Census 2011 of India there are 15.54 Million households (6.3% of total population) in India who have computer/laptops in their homes.ÂÂ   However Only 7.6 Million householdsÂÂ   (3.1% of total population)ÂÂ  have laptops/ computers with internet. Maharashtra is the biggest Indian Internet market with 18% of Total Internet households followed by Tamil Nadu with 10%,ÂÂ  KarnatakaÂÂ  8.27% , U.P (Noida inclusive) 8.18%, Delhi 7.68% and Andhra Pradesh with 7.15%. Delhi/NCR inclusive of Noida and Gurgaon would however have much higher numbers. SHIFT IN THE MARKETING PROCESS IN INDIA In the ancient times the buying and selling of things was done by barter system. Barter is a system in which exchange goods and services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. now in this generation the marketing with the help of internet is on the rise.Most people can use the Web since it is affordable and easy to access. Internet is a fast and flexible means for marketing. Shopping on the Internet is convenient as there is no time restriction, it is comfortable since it is in a user friendly environment and there is also an instant satisfaction of ordering, paying and delivering. A one-to-one basis, as well as, a two way communication with customers through the Internet is possible. Enhancing brand image, creating awareness and providing customer service are more important than just selling the products or entertaining customers. With better technologies, companies can create a stronger brand image and thus increase sales. On the other side, it is easier for customers to receive a kind of acknowledgement; feeling that they did not waste their time . Nowadays, people live a busy life and shopping online is time consuming for them. The company also saves time since whenever a customer uses his/her credit card to purchase a product.E-marketing is seen as a promotional as well as informational tool. This new era of commerce is beneficial for marketing logi stics, a global presence, to establish and maintain a competitive edge, shorten components of supply chains, for cost savings and research advantage in india. Now companies like myntra, flipkart are providing cash on delivery to the customer which was not done before. This is a strategy which aims at payment only after the complete satisfaction of the customer. In this strategy the customer first receives the ordered product and he/she pays. This has been found quite successful in India. If any problem is found in the product ordered,then it gets replaced within a few days. Earlier the customers had to do advance payment which was not favourable in the interest of the customer as many complaints were reported in the goods which they ordered. So in this way the companies are trying to attract the customers towards themselves to increase their sales. Cash on delivery is done by Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Netbanking, ITZ Cash Cards, Cheques, Demand Drafts or cash. E COMMERCE IN INDIA The low cost of computers in india, a increase in the number of computer users,and a growing isp market are the main causes for the emergence of e copmmerce market in india.there has been a rise in number of companies taking up e commerce in india. The companies like ebay,myntra,flipkart,quikr,olx are some of the companies which have established their name in the indian e commerce market. All these sites are selling varieties of products,movies tickets,electronic gadgets,accessories,household items and much more. Now the stock exchange has also become online now. Delivery of goods to consumers by couriers at a faster rate,moreover the quality of product delivered is satisfactory.Many indian banks are also using internet banking facilities. Indias economic industry is on a growth curve and is undergoing a spurt in growth.The Online Travel Industry is one of the biggest segment in ecommerce in india and is booming due largely to the Internet-savvy urban population. The online travel industry inclused some private firms such as Makemytrip, Cleartrip and Yatra. The government has also started IRCTC, which is a successful Indian Railways initiative. The online classifieds segment is also increasing. It is broadly divided into three sectors; Jobs, Matrimonial and Real Estate. Mobile Commerce is also growing rapidly and proving to be a stable and secure supplement to eCommerce due to the record growth in mobile user base in India, in recent years[10]. The online classifieds segment is broadly divided into three sectors; Jobs, Matrimonial and Real Estate. Mobile Commerce is also growing rapidly and proving to be a stable and secure supplement to eCommerce due to the record growth in mobile user base in India, in recent years. A report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India has stated that Indiaa E-commerce market is growing at an average rate of 70 percent annually and has grown over 500 percent since 2007. E-Tailing and digital downloads are expected to grow at a faster rate, while online travel will continue to rule the major proportion of market share. According to the third edition of eBay India census 2010 conducted across 28 states and seven union territories, Gujarat has emerged as one of the top five online shopping markets in the country. Gujarat which was ranked 7th in 2009,is now ranked 4th in after Maharashtra, Delhi and Tamil Nadu. Technology related products dominate Indias domestic eCommerce, contributes 44% of totals eCommerce transactions according to the latest eBay Census.. Whereas, lifestyle product category dominates in the global trade contributes for 35% for online shopping. India is showing tremendous growth in the Ecommerce. Rival has 700,000 registered buyers and it has the growth rate of 35% every year. The travel portal has attained Rs 1000 crores of turnovers which are around 20% of total e-commerce market in India. These facts also show that the e commerce market in india is also increasing per year. In 2012 the e commerce market size was about 50000 crores in india as compared to 1 billion in 2011.Apparently, more online users in India are willing to make purchases through the Internet. Overall e-commerce industry is poised to experience a high growth in the next couple of years. The e commerce industry has the following major sectors Travel- 51% E-Retailing-40% Cothiers-09% These are 3 major categories of e commerce market, travel being the largest among them. For online marketing the websites also play a vital role. The websites should be informative, entertaining and unique. the attention of the customer must be captured as soon as possible. They should be understandable and easy to search information needed. Moreover, it must continuously be up-to-date for most recent information about the company. Companies also use different types of strategy to know what are the wants and needs of customers. Some of them are : Product Strategy Brand recognition is made clear on the Internet but the number of purchase is not there yet. Sometimes the products are not available on the Web site and consumers hesitate before getting this particular product. To increase their confidentiality, recognized vendors should be mentioned on the Net. Authenticity is important for both sellers and products. Pricing Strategy In the long run, it will be better for the firms,if they can concentrate on offering products with the unique characteristics at the most suitable cost. Online shoppers differentiate the products/services by the benefits and quality . A low price strategy should rely on cost advantage and high volume to be able to compete. Distribution Strategy There is a necessity of a direct-to-customer process. The industry has to be the first providing unique services to always be ahead of competitors as fast as possible to make a mark in the mind of customers. Promotional Strategy This depends on the marketing research and consumer preferences. It deals as how to companies want to promote their product. FAQ questions should be provided on the websites along with the advertisements on various sites such as you tube which is most widely used by the people. CONCLUSION The Internet network is a marketing channel used by advertisers, marketers, and society to find the right combination of marketing mix to suit the customers needs. It is important for a company of this age to have access to the Internet to be more successful. Internet marketing targets consumers and Internet advertisements client marketers from companies. People always find themselves under stress of working long hours and they do not have enough time for social activities or even shopping. Thus E-commerce becomes an everyday thing and routine for them. E-mail is also famous for direct marketing in supporting E-commerce activities. Internet should be used with other media for a more effective marketing tool. Internet marketing will become even more important in the future. As more companies will have access to the Internet, they will start doing business over the Internet. Increase in the e commerces economy in india will be in another dimension where customer focus, responsible business practices and innovation are the determinants of success and not only customer relationship. Security will not be an issue anymore because software companies, banks and credit card institutions are working hand in hand to improve Internet security. Companies need to protect themselves in three areas: data integrity, confidentiality of data and authenticity by installing firewalls or routers. Customers will look for a business on the internet since there are unique opportunities for marketing a companys service, selling products and gathering information on the Net. This is the new era of innovation; where everyone will be interacting on the Web. Live video session will be available and a prospective customer may be able to talk to a customer representative directly over the internet in the future will be more beneficial in the interest of customers.

Strategies to Motivate Students Essay -- Education, Learning Teaching

Strategies to Motivate Students In the field of education there is a broad spectrum of strategies to motivate students. Through research only a sample of the spectrum was covered, which consisted of twenty-nine sources. Four interrelated categories were created that individually provide strategies to motivate students. The four categories consist of teaching strategies to motivate students, program structure to motivate students, self-motivational strategies, and parent strategies to motivate students. All of these categories conclude that a positive environment provided by parents, school officials, and the students themselves, act to enhance a students motivational drive to succeed in the classroom. Teaching Strategies to Motivate Students A teaching strategy is any technique a teacher projects in the classroom. Enthusiasm and body language in combination with creative classroom activities are effective tools for teaching. According to Barbara Davis in "Incorporating Instructional Behaviors That Motivate Students" from the Tools For Teaching web site, most students respond positively to a well structured course taught by an instructor who is enthusiastic and shows interest in their students as well as their subject. With this in mind, Davis gives six instructional behaviors that teachers can utilize to motivate students. These are holding realistic expectations, helping them to set achievable goals, informing students of how to succeed in their class, strengthening self-motivation, avoiding to create competition among students, and being enthusiastic about their subject. Davis argues, beneath the same web site in Motivating Students, that instructors can do the following to encourage st... a collection of opinions on the subject about teachers and school administrators around the United States. It contains strategies to stimulate students at home and how parents can properly motivate their children to succeed as students throughout their education. 101 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Achieve is a booklet distributed by the Educational World, written by school administrators. This booklet provides many creative family projects designed to stimulate their children to want to achieve academically. Conclusion A common ground can be derived from all four of the perspectives relating to the broad spectrum of strategies to motivate students. By providing a positive atmosphere at home as well as in the school, a student develops the desire to succeed in the classroom, and later, utilizes this motivation to succeed in life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Selfish Gene Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

The Selfish Gene "We are survival machines—robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve selfish molecules known as genes." -- Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (1). Can genes alone determine your DNA's place in the next generation? Are humans simply vessels for these genes? With his provoking work entitled The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins attempts to answer such questions as he proposes a shift in the evolutionary paradigm. Working through the metaphor of a "selfish gene", Dawkins constructs an evolutionary model using a gene as the fundamental unit of selection, opposed to the more commonly accepted belief of the species as the unit of selection. This "selfish gene", possessing a certain selfish emotional nature, acts as an independent entity fighting to ensure its replication in future generations, maximizing its number of descendents (2). Those successful in replicating have made the most of their given environment (1). For the interests of this paper, is it valid to assume that natural selection occurs at the level of DNA? Hence, what can be implied about genetic predispositions? For Dawkins, evolution of a species is dependent upon the transmittance of this information to the next generation; the individual species is irrelevant (2). This theory is a departure from Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which concentrates on the species. Species, to Dawkins, are "survival machines" whose purpose is to host these genes, as species are mortals and fleeting, whereas genes are not (2). Is it valid to assume Dawkins position that humans are merely "robot vehicles"? This concept, alienating emotion, physical, and cultural growth from evolution, can be startling. By placing the importance of natural selec... ... , The opening pages of and selections from Dawkins work<br>/Work/Books/selfpage.htm 2)The Selfish Gene Theory, Explanatory site providing overview of theory 3) The Selfish Gene?" Reason in Revolt , Genetic issues and Dawkins discussed Works Consulted 4) In Defense of Selfish Genes , Dawkins refute to claims made about his theory by Mary Midgely 5) Selfish Genes and Social Darwinism , Counterarguments for Selfish Gene Theory 6) The Selfish Gene: The Underpinnings of Narcissism , Further discussion and implications on Selfish Gene Theory

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Night World : The Chosen Chapter 1

It happened at Rashel's birthday party, the day she turned five years old. â€Å"Can we go in the tubes?† She was having her birthday at a carnival and it had the biggest climbing structure of tubes and slides she had ever seen. Her mother smiled. â€Å"Okay, kitten, but take care of Timmy. He's not as fast as you are.† They were the last words her mother ever said to her. Rashel didn't have to be told, though. She always took care of Timmy: he was a whole month younger than she was, and he wasn't even going to kindergarten next year. He had silky black hair, blue eyes, and a very sweet smile. Rashel had dark hair, too, but her eyes were green-green as emeralds, Mommy always said. Green as a cat's. As they climbed through the tubes she kept glancing back at him, and when they got to a long row of vinyl-padded stairs-slippery and easy to slide off of-she held out a hand to help him up. Timmy beamed at her, his tilted blue eyes shining with adoration. When they had both crawled to the top of the stairs, Rashel let go of his hand. She was heading toward the spider web, a big room made entirely of rope and net. Every so often she glanced through a fish-bowl window in one of the tubes and saw her mother waving at her from below. But then another mother came to talk to hers and Rashel stopped looking out. Parents never seemed to be able to talk and wave at the same time. She concentrated on getting through the tubes, which smelled like plastic with a hint of old socks. She pretended she was a rabbit in a tunnel. And she kept an eye on Timmy-until they got to the base of the spider web. It was far in the back of the climbing structure. There were no other kids around, big or little, and almost no noise. A white rope with knots at regular intervals stretched above Rashel, higher and higher, leading to the web itself. â€Å"Okay, you stay here, and I'll go up and see how you do it,† she said to Timmy. This was a sort of fib. The truth was that she didn't think Timmy could make it, and if she waited for him, neither of them would get up. â€Å"No, I don't want you to go without me,† Timmy said. There was a touch of anxiety in his voice. â€Å"It's oilly going to take a second,† Rashel said. She knew what he was afraid of, and she added, â€Å"No big kids are going to come and push you.† Timmy still looked doubtful. Rashel said thoughtfully, â€Å"Don't you want ice cream cake when we get back to my house?† It wasn't even a veiled threat. Timmy looked confused, then sighed heavily and nodded. â€Å"Okay. I'll wait.† And those were the last words Rashel heard him say. She climbed the rope. It was even harder than she'd thought it would be, but when she got to the top it was wonderful. The whole world was a squiggly moving mass of netting. She had to hang on with both hands to keep her balance and try to curl her feet around the rough quivering lengths of cable. She could feel the air and sunlight. She laughed with exhilaration and bounced, looking at the colored plastic tubes all around her. When she looked back down for Timmy, he was gone. Rashel's stomach tensed. He had to be there. He'd promised to wait. But he wasn't. She could see the entire padded room below the spider web from here, and it was empty. Okay, he must have gone back through the tubes. Rashel made her way, staggering and swaying, from one handhold to another until she got to the rope. Then she climbed down quickly and stuck her head in a tube, blinking in the dimness. â€Å"Timmy?† Her voice was a muffled echo. There was no answer and what she could see of the tube was empty. â€Å"Timmy!† Rashel was getting a very bad feeling in her stomach. In her head, she kept hearing her mother say, Take care of Timmy. But she hadn't taken care of him. And he could be anywhere by now, lost in the giant structure, maybe crying, maybe getting shoved around by big kids. Maybe even going to tell her mother. That was when she saw the gap in the padded room. It was just big enough for a four-year-old or a very slim five-year-old to get through. A space between two cushiony walls that led to the outside. And Rashel knew immediately that it was where Timmy had gone. It was like him to take the quickest way out. He was probably on his way to her mother right now. Rashel was a very slim five-year-old. She wiggled through the gap, only sticking once. Then she was outside, breathless in the dusty shade. She was about to head toward the front of the climbing structure when she noticed the tent flap fluttering. The tent was made of shiny vinyl and its red and yellow stripes were much brighter than the plastic tubes. The loose flap moved in the breeze and Rashel saw that anyone could just lift it and walk inside. Timmy wouldn't have gone in there, she thought. It wouldn't be like him at all. But somehow Rashel had an odd feeling. She stared at the flap, hesitating, smelling dust and popcorn in the air. I'm brave, she told herself, and sidled forward. She pushed on the tent beside the flap to widen the gap, and she stretched her neck and peered inside. It was too dark to see anything, but the smell of popcorn was stronger. Rashel moved farther and farther until she was actually in the tent. And then her eyes adjusted and she realized that she wasn't alone. There was a tall man in the tent. He was wearing a long light-colored trench coat, even though it was warm outside. He didn't seem to notice Rashel because he had something in his arms, and his head was bent down to it, and he was doing something to it. And then Rashel saw what he was doing and she knew that the grown-ups had lied when they said ogres and monsters and the things in fairy-tale books weren't real. Because the tall man had Timmy, and he was eating him.